TradeCopier FAQs

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First, download our TradeCopier app from the App Store or Google Play. Then, open TradeCopier and press the "First time here? Create your profile now" button at the bottom of your screen. Simply input your details and wait to receive a verification email before logging in.


Click on "Account" on the bottom right of the app and scroll down to "Link Account". Here, you can add your Trade Nation MT4 server, trading account number, and password. Then select whether you want to be a “Copier” or a “Signal” receiver.


You can only use one Trade Nation MT4 account per profile. To set up additional trading accounts, you’ll need to log out and click "First time here" again and create a profile for each trading account.


Navigate to "Account", select "Link Account" and input your new trading account details.


Select "Account" then "Edit profile". Here you can change your name, signal name, and search handle.


You can edit your name, signal name and search handle by navigating to your "Account" and then selecting "Edit Profile". You’ll only need a search handle if you hide your profile.


Click log in, "Forgot password" and "Reset password". A link will be sent to your email.


Have you signed up before? If not then your email won't be registered in the app and no email can be sent. Please click "First time here" and sign up. Please check your spam folder or contact us at


Select "Account" then "Deposit / Withdrawal". You’ll be directed to the Trade Nation client portal where you can log in and deposit using a variety of methods.


Simply log in to your account portal via the Trade Nation client portal and make your withdrawal request.


Once you open TradeCopier, press the "Account" icon at the bottom right of your screen. Scroll down, and under the "Manage" heading select "Settings". Then select "Notification settings". Then configure the notifications to your personal preference.


Navigate to "Account", "Settings", "Account Information" and select "Unlink account". Please note that you will be automatically redirected to the "Discover" section.


Navigate to “Account", "Settings", "Account Information" and select "Delete account". Please note that when you select this option you’ll be automatically logged out.


TradeCopier is available on App Store and Google Play, but not in all regions. Please email us if you can’t find it in your region


No, Trade Nation Demo Accounts are not available on the app.


To change the base currency in which you make your trades, you’ll need to change your trading account with us.

You’ll still be able to trade forex pairs regardless of your base currency. For example, if you use GBP, you can still trade USD/EUR.


There’s a common misconception about resetting your “Max Drawdown”. Resetting to zero doesn’t mean you’ve set your warning, soft-stop, and hard-stop levels to 0 – it means you’ve set your current equity value to 0%. For example, let’s say you have $5,000 and a hard-stop level set at 20%. If your equity value drops to $4,000 you’ll reach your hard-stop level.

If you reset your “Max Drawdown”, this would mean that $4,000 becomes the new 0% and your new hard stop level will be 3,200 (20% of 4,000).


If you’re a signal account, you will need to ensure that you have closed all your open trades before you can switch accounts.


There are a few reasons why your account may not connect, so please make sure you check:

  • You’re connecting with your trading password, not your investor account.
  • You’re entering the correct server, account number, or password.
  • You’re a signal account and you need to close all trades from an existing account you have connected.
  • If your MT4 password is too long – it should be less than 15 characters.

The following types of traders are disabled weekly:

  • Copiers with a 0 balance and 0 equity.
  • Copiers copying a strategy with lower than $10 equity as you can't place a trade with a balance that low.
  • Copiers with a negative balance or equity that don't have a copy trade open.

To re-enable a disabled account, go into TradeCopier and copy a signal again. This will re-enable your account, as long as you have a balance above $10-$50.


TradeCopier is available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, German, Italian, Arabic, Dutch, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Polish, Thai, South Korean, Malay, Mongolian, Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Contemporary), Japanese, Russian and French.


The TradeCopier app requires iOS 11.0 or later or Mac OS 11.0 and a Mac with the Apple M1 chip for Apple Devices. For Android, it requires the Android 8.0 system or later. To check that you have the latest operating system: iOS: Settings> General> Software Update> Install now. Android: Settings> General> Software Update> Install Now.


Very occasionally a trader’s profile may display incorrect stats. Please contact us at with a picture of your trading history which can be found on MT4.

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